Wednesday, December 2, 2009

december 2

I have been super busy this past month or so! School has been overwhelming me since finals are coming up soon! I have done several photo shoots though, and I have had so much fun! I did a photoshoot for the store Runway, which is in Statesboro. We had alot of fun with that one! I have taken one family's pictures in Savannah, a girl named Taylor in Madison and of course I have been taking many of my two wonderful nieces. I use my two nieces as my guinea pigs, I always like to try poses out with them. I am sure they will grow tired of this pretty soon, I think Lily is already sick of it. But, I always get such beautiful pictures out of them! Well I just wanted to do a little update. I will be going back home to Madison over the holidays, and I have several people wanting pictures done! Well bon voyage!